Solem Session for Para Ju-Jitsu in the National Congress Brasilia

On June 25, 2024, a remarkable event unfold in Brasília as the National Congress of Brazil hosts a solemn session dedicated to Para Jiu Jitsu. This gathering is not just another meeting; it marks a pivotal moment for inclusion through sports and celebrates the incredible journey of athletes who overcome challenges every day. With around 250 attendees from all corners of Brazil. This session shines a spotlight on how Para Jiu Jitsu is transforming lives and promoting unity within society.

The solemn session in Brazil represents a watershed moment for Para Jiu Jitsu. It is not merely an event; it symbolizes a breakthrough in the realm of sports and inclusion. This gathering showcased more than just competition; it highlighted unity through sport. The presence of coaches, officials, and government representatives underscored a collective commitment to fostering inclusivity.

Every participant brought unique energy to the session. Their voices echoed the message that everyone deserves a place on the mat—a space where differences are celebrated rather than overlooked. This historical assembly set new standards for what can be accomplished when passion meets purpose in sports. Each speech highlighted the profound social impact this discipline has on individuals and society alike. It’s about breaking barriers and creating opportunities for everyone, regardless of their abilities. As voices joined together in support of this movement, it became clear that Para Jiu Jitsu is not just a sport; it’s a catalyst for change in Brazilian culture. The day was marked by unity and hope—a true celebration of diversity in action.

At the solemn session, JJIF made its presence felt through Mr.  Joachim Thumfart and Mr.  Christian Horvath-Portele, their speeches resonated deeply with the audience.

Mr. Thumfart spoke passionately about Para Jiu Jitsu’s journey toward inclusion in Olympic sports. His insights illuminated the pivotal role this discipline plays within JJIF’s broader vision. While, Mr. Horvath echoed these sentiments, emphasizing how Para Jiu Jitsu fosters a sense of belonging. He highlighted its power to challenge societal norms and create opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Together, they illustrated how sports can be a vehicle for change. Their words inspired everyone present to recognize the importance of inclusivity not just on mats but across all facets of life. The connection between sport and social responsibility was palpable that day, as both leaders called for continued commitment to making an impact through Para Jiu Jitsu.

On that day, they have gathered to honor inclusion in all its forms. It’s not merely about sports but extends deeply into the fabric of society. A vibrant tapestry unfolds to the individuals from every corner of Brazil uniting for a shared purpose. This collective energy fosters understanding and respect. As Richard von Weizsäcker once said that “true inclusion is when it becomes normal to be different”.
The gathering exemplifies this belief as they embrace differences with open arms. In doing so, they have celebrated those who have faced challenges yet triumphed remarkably—figures like Stephen Hawking and Frida Kahlo come to mind. These names remind us that diversity enriches our lives and fuels progress across various fields. Let’s continue nurturing this spirit of acceptance together, creating spaces where everyone feels valued just as they are.

Throughout history, individuals with disabilities have reshaped our understanding of capability and resilience. They’ve inspired movements, created art, and advanced science, breaking barriers in every field.

Consider Stephen Hawking, whose theories on black holes changed the landscape of physics. Despite his condition, he showcased the power of intellect over physical limitations.

Frida Kahlo transformed her pain into stunning artwork that continues to resonate with many today. Her unique perspective challenged norms around beauty and identity.

Similarly, Stevie Wonder’s music transcends genres while emphasizing a universal message of love and unity. His ability to connect through sound is a testament to talent beyond sight.

These trailblazers remind us that disability does not define potential; rather, it adds depth to human experience. Each story reinforces how diversity enriches society in countless ways..

The connection to the session today runs deep. Just weeks ago, they had the honor of witnessing Para Jiu Jitsu in action at the WPJJF Pan American Championship in Manaus. Every competitor showcased remarkable skill and determination. Their technical prowess was truly impressive, pushing boundaries and raising standards for all involved.

Equally noteworthy was the sportsmanship displayed throughout the event. Fairness reigned supreme as participants cheered each other on and celebrated every victory together. It was more than just competition; it became a celebration of community and inclusion. This experience underscored why events like this matter so profoundly in our society today.

As what Mr. Horvath said, over two decades, that he traveled the world, witnessing a myriad of competitions. A remarkable trend emerged during his journey. The infectious energy and spirit of para-athletes invigorate mainstream sports. Their determination transcends boundaries, inspiring everyone around them. This dynamic creates an atmosphere where inclusion thrives. Through information and education, fresh activities blossom both on and off the mat. It’s not just about physical prowess; it fosters better health and social connections.

The ripple effect is undeniable—participants develop a more positive mindset as they engage with diverse communities. With persistence and patience, society gradually embraces differences as the norm. In this environment, barriers fade away while respect flourishes. It’s heartening to see how sports can be a catalyst for change in attitudes towards inclusion.

Jiu Jitsu is more than a martial art; it’s a way of life. When you wear that gi, you join a world where adaptability reigns supreme. It teaches us to read our opponent and adjust accordingly—an invaluable lesson both on and off the mat. This sport inherently promotes inclusion. Respect, discipline, and self-confidence are woven into its very fabric, strengthening individuals in ways that extend beyond physical prowess.

The dedication of coaches at all levels cannot be overstated. Their commitment shapes athletes’ lives positively every day in Brazil. There’s much work still ahead, but unity can pave the way for progress. Remember, sport has immense power to connect people or drive them apart based on intentions and actions. Let’s focus on building bridges instead of walls as we continue this important journey together.

A heartfelt thank you is due to Prof. Elcirley, Prof. Mario, and their dedicated team in Para Jiu Jitsu. Their unwavering commitment has made a profound impact.

Coronel Assis and Virginia Mendez also deserve recognition for their contributions. Every effort counts in creating a more inclusive society.

The WPJJF is partner and member of JJIF to develop inclusive Ju-Jitsu for everybody!