• Be accompanied by a representative and/or interpreter of their choice to the Doping Control Station;
  • Asking for additional information about the sample collection process;
  • Requesting to view the DCO’s credentials;
  • Having a choice of collection vessels and sample collection kits and verifying that the selected collection vessel is intact;
  • Requesting a delay in reporting to the doping control station for valid reasons;
  • Requesting modifications for athletes with impairments (if applicable);
  • Commenting on the doping control form about the way in which the doping session was conducted.


  • Requesting and attending the B sample analysis (in case an Adverse Analytical Finding);
  • In the case of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ARDV) being asserted, the athlete has the right to a fair hearing and the right to appeal the hearing decision;
  • Rights regarding data protection, according to ISPPPI and any local law applicable.


  • Complying with the sample collection procedure;
  • Being available for sample collection (urine or blood), whether in-competition or out-of-competition;
  • Reporting immediately to the doping control station after being notified of a doping control unless there are valid reasons for delay;
  • Bringing a photo ID to the doping control station;
  • Staying in direct observation of the doping control officer (DCO) or chaperone at all times from when the initial contact is made until the completion of the sample collection procedure;
  • Ensuring the accuracy of the information entered on the doping control form during sample collection (including stating any medications and supplements taken within the 7 days prior to sample collection, and where the sample collected is a blood sample, blood transfusions within the previous 3 months.)